Neo-Quenya Wiki

"S Imladris. imlad. imbi-lăta. imbilat. riss<rinsa, cleft, cloven, separate. √RIS-, cut. Q rista & risse. rinse. Cf. S criss, blend of √KIR, RIS. cirith." (PE17:87)

Though not explicitly stated, imbilat seems to be good Quenya, and *imbilatarista seems convincing. SUM EGO 19:49, September 16, 2010 (UTC)

I'm not convinced. (but then I'm just not big on fan-made words when it comes to Tolkien's languages at all, which I guess goes against the whole concept of neo-Quenya) If I have to guess on the Quenya name for Rivendell, I think 'Imbilátaris' with stem 'Imbilátariss-' is more likely. DARKastheRAIN 22:15, September 16, 2010 (UTC)

Just a side note on fan-made words: The fact that making of them is permitted in Neo-Quenya does not make it become encouraged. It is always better to stick to original tolkienian material as close as possible, as in this case. I'd find Imbilátaris better, too, but Professor has the last word, of course :) Iron gollum 13:37, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Note that Tolkien gave a short ă in imbi-lăta - we may have *Imbilataris instead. Plus I'm no enthusiast of coining new words:) SUM EGO 04:10, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

I had ă confused with â. I'd never heard of marking a short a with anything before. Pity, because Imbilátaris looked so much better. Oh well. DARKastheRAIN 05:27, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Imbilat(a)ris with full form Imbilat(a)risse or with stem Imbilat(a)rist- Telumendil 06:20, June 10, 2012 (UTC)
